Download GIF - Lynx Free HD Image

A lynx (, plural lynx or lynxes) is any of the four species (the Canada lynx, Iberian lynx, Eurasian lynx, or bobcat) within the medium-sized wild cat genus Lynx. The name lynx originated in Middle English via Latin from the Greek word , derived from the Indo-European root leuk- ('light, brightness') in reference to the luminescence of its reflective eyes. Appearance Lynx have a short tail, characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of their ears, large, padded paws for walking on snow and long whiskers on the face. Under their neck, they have a ruff, which has black bars resembling a bow tie, although this is often not visible. Body colour varies from medium brown to goldish to beige-white, and is occasionally marked with dark brown spots, especially on the limbs. All species of lynx have white fur on their chests, bellies and on the insides of their legs, fur which is an extension of the chest and belly fur. The lynx's colouring, fur length and paw size vary according to the climate in their range. In the Southwestern United States, they are short-haired, dark in colour and their paws are smaller and less padded. As climates get colder and more northerly, lynx have progressively thicker fur, lighter colour, and their paws are larger and more padded to adapt to the snow. Their paws may be larger than a human hand or foot.
This GIF Bitmap Image Lynx Free HD Image is a part of Lynxes Category in Animals Folder. Lynx Free HD Image has a Resolution of 278x225 Pixels. Lynx Free HD Image is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 7.5KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 56 times till now. Lynx Free HD Image was Added on 07-07-2021. Download Lynx Free HD Image by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Lynx Free HD Image
Image Category: Animals / Lynxes
Date Added: 07-07-2021
Resolution: 278x225
Format: GIF
Downloads: 56
Views: 68
Size: 7.5KB