Download GIF - Fish Smiley Free Photo

Pelagic fish live in the pelagic zone of ocean or lake waters being neither close to the bottom nor near the shore in contrast with demersal fish that do live on or near the bottom, and reef fish that are associated with coral reefs. The marine pelagic environment is the largest aquatic habitat on Earth, occupying 1, 370 million cubic kilometres (330 million cubic miles), and is the habitat for 11% of known fish species. The oceans have a mean depth of 4000 metres. About 98% of the total water volume is below 100 metres (330 ft), and 75% is below 1, 000 metres (3, 300 ft). Marine pelagic fish can be divided into pelagic coastal fish and oceanic pelagic fish. Coastal fish inhabit the relatively shallow and sunlit waters above the continental shelf, while oceanic fish inhabit the vast and deep waters beyond the continental shelf (even though they also may swim inshore). Pelagic fish range in size from small coastal forage fish, such as herrings and sardines, to large apex predator oceanic fishes, such as bluefin tuna and oceanic sharks. They are usually agile swimmers with streamlined bodies, capable of sustained cruising on long-distance migrations. Many pelagic fish swim in schools weighing hundreds of tonnes. Others, such as the large ocean sunfish, are solitary. Epipelagic fish Epipelagic fish inhabit the epipelagic zone, the uppermost layer of the water column, ranging from sea level down to 200 m (660 ft). It is also referred to as the surface waters or the sunlit zone, and includes the photic zone. The photic zone is defined as the surface waters down to the depth where the sunlight is attenuated to 1% of the surface value.
This GIF Bitmap Image Fish Smiley Free Photo is a part of Fish Smileys Category in Emoji Folder. Fish Smiley Free Photo has a Resolution of 25x15 Pixels. Fish Smiley Free Photo is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 204.0B. This GIF has been Downloaded 61 times till now. Fish Smiley Free Photo was Added on 29-08-2021. Download Fish Smiley Free Photo by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Fish Smiley Free Photo
Image Category: Emoji / Fish Smileys
Date Added: 29-08-2021
Resolution: 25x15
Format: GIF
Downloads: 61
Views: 157
Size: 204.0B