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Perch is a common name for fish of the genus Perca, freshwater gamefish belonging to the family Percidae. The perch, of which three species occur in different geographical areas, lend their name to a large order of vertebrates: the Perciformes, from the Greek: (perke), simply meaning perch, and the Latin forma meaning shape. Many species of freshwater gamefish more or less resemble perch, but belong to different genera. In fact, the exclusively saltwater-dwelling red drum is often referred to as a red perch, though by definition perch are freshwater fish. Though many fish are referred to as perch as a common name, to be considered a true perch, the fish must be of the family Percidae. The type species for this genus is the European perch, P. fluviatilis. Species Most authorities recognize three species within the perch genus:The European perch (P. fluviatilis) is found in Europe and Asia. This species is typically greenish in color with dark vertical bars on its sides with a red or orange coloring in the tips of its fins. The European perch has been successfully introduced in New Zealand and Australia, where it is known as the redfin perch or English perch. In Australia, larger specimens have been bred, but the species rarely grows heavier than 2. 7 kg (6 lb).
This GIF Bitmap Image Fish Coloring Pages Download HQ is a part of Coloring Fish Category in Coloring Folder. Fish Coloring Pages Download HQ has a Resolution of 630x891 Pixels. Fish Coloring Pages Download HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 13.9KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 100 times till now. Fish Coloring Pages Download HQ was Added on 09-01-2024. Download Fish Coloring Pages Download HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Fish Coloring Pages Download HQ
Image Category: Coloring / Coloring Fish
Date Added: 09-01-2024
Resolution: 630x891
Format: GIF
Downloads: 100
Views: 145
Size: 13.9KB