Download GIF - Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ

In chemistry, alcohol is an organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl functional group (OH) bound to a saturated carbon atom. The term alcohol originally referred to the primary alcohol ethanol (ethyl alcohol), which is used as a drug and is the main alcohol present in alcoholic drinks. An important class of alcohols, of which methanol and ethanol are the simplest members, includes all compounds for which the general formula is CnH2n+1OH. Simple monoalcohols that are the subject of this article include primary (RCH2OH), secondary (R2CHOH) and tertiary (R3COH) alcohols. The suffix -ol appears in the IUPAC chemical name of all substances where the hydroxyl group is the functional group with the highest priority. When a higher priority group is present in the compound, the prefix hydroxy- is used in its IUPAC name. The suffix -ol in non-IUPAC names (such as paracetamol or cholesterol) also typically indicates that the substance is an alcohol. However, many substances that contain hydroxyl functional groups (particularly sugars, such as glucose and sucrose) have names which include neither the suffix -ol, nor the prefix hydroxy-. The inflammable nature of the exhalations of wine was already known to ancient natural philosophers such as Aristotle (384322 BCE), Theophrastus (c. 371287 BCE), and Pliny the Elder (23/2479 CE). However, this did not immediately lead to the isolation of alcohol, even despite the development of more advanced distillation techniques in second- and third-century Roman Egypt.
This GIF Bitmap Image Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ is a part of Alcohol Category in Food Folder. Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ has a Resolution of 144x192 Pixels. Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 18.5KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 100 times till now. Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ was Added on 13-07-2021. Download Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Animated Alcohol Free Download GIF HQ
Image Category: Food / Alcohol
Date Added: 13-07-2021
Resolution: 144x192
Format: GIF
Downloads: 100
Views: 198
Size: 18.5KB