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Skying is the third studio album by British band The Horrors. The album was released on 11 July 2011 in the UK and on 9 August 2011 in the USA on XL Recordings. Background and recording Recorded by the group in their self-built London studio, it is the first album they produced themselves. Two months prior to its release, the song 'Still Life' was premiered on Zane Lowe's BBC Radio 1 show, where it was played in its entirety and named as his 'Hottest Record in the World'. This was the first track to be released from the album and the first indicator to fans of the direction the album would take. Style The album's sound was noted as including elements of post-punk revival, neo-psychedelia and shoegazing. Reception Skying received considerable attention from the music press before its release, following the overwhelming positive response to Primary Colours. Numerous music publications confirmed it would be their album of the month in upcoming issues including Mojo and Q. The single 'Still Life' gained far more media exposure and mainstream radio airplay than previous releases, reaching the Radio 1 A list. Reviewing the album for BBC Music, Mike Diver wrote, 'There's no fault to be found with Skying truly, every song here hits its mark... From the most incongruous of beginnings, The Horrors have become national treasures in waiting, and now possess the ability to realise any ambitions'.
This GIF Bitmap Image Skiing GIF Free Photo is a part of Skiing Category in Sports Folder. Skiing GIF Free Photo has a Resolution of 154x133 Pixels. Skiing GIF Free Photo is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 4.1KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 78 times till now. Skiing GIF Free Photo was Added on 12-09-2021. Download Skiing GIF Free Photo by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Skiing GIF Free Photo
Image Category: Sports / Skiing
Date Added: 12-09-2021
Resolution: 154x133
Format: GIF
Downloads: 78
Views: 85
Size: 4.1KB