Download GIF - Sunday GIF Download Free

Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday. In most Western countries, Sunday is a day of rest and a part of the weekend, whereas in much of the rest of the world, it is considered the first day of the week. For most observant adherents of Christianity, Sunday is generally observed as a day of worship and rest, recognising it as the Lord's Day and the day of Christ's resurrection, in the United States, Canada, China, Japan, the Philippines as well as in South America, Sunday is the first day of the week. According to the Hebrew calendar and traditional calendars (including Christian calendars) Sunday is the first day of the week, Quaker Christians call Sunday the 'first day' in accordance with their testimony of simplicity. The International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, which is based in Switzerland, calls Sunday the seventh day of the week. Etymology The name 'Sunday', the day of the Sun, is derived from Hellenistic astrology, where the seven planets, known in English as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, each had an hour of the day assigned to them, and the planet which was regent during the first hour of any day of the week gave its name to that day. During the 1st and 2nd century, the week of seven days was introduced into Rome from Egypt, and the Roman names of the planets were given to each successive day. Germanic peoples seem to have adopted the week as a division of time from the Romans, but they changed the Roman names into those of corresponding Teutonic deities. Hence, the dies Solis became Sunday (German, Sonntag). The English noun Sunday derived sometime before 1250 from sunedai, which itself developed from Old English (before 700) Sunnandæg (literally meaning 'sun's day'), which is cognate to other Germanic languages, including Old Frisian sunnandei, Old Saxon sunnundag, Middle Dutch sonnendach (modern Dutch zondag), Old High German sunnun tag (modern German Sonntag), and Old Norse sunnudagr (Danish and Norwegian søndag, Icelandic sunnudagur and Swedish söndag).
This GIF Bitmap Image Sunday GIF Download Free is a part of Sunday Category in Symbols Folder. Sunday GIF Download Free has a Resolution of 331x231 Pixels. Sunday GIF Download Free is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 92.4KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 63 times till now. Sunday GIF Download Free was Added on 03-07-2021. Download Sunday GIF Download Free by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Sunday GIF Download Free
Image Category: Symbols / Sunday
Date Added: 03-07-2021
Resolution: 331x231
Format: GIF
Downloads: 63
Views: 191
Size: 92.4KB