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Saint Patrick (Latin: Patricius, Irish: Pdraig [pad], Welsh: Padrig) was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the 'Apostle of Ireland', he is the primary patron saint of Ireland, the other patron saints being Brigit of Kildare and Columba. Patrick was never formally canonised, having lived prior to the current laws of the Catholic Church in these matters. Nevertheless, he is venerated as a Saint in the Catholic Church and in the Eastern Orthodox Church, where he is regarded as equal-to-the-apostles and Enlightener of Ireland. He is also regarded as a Saint within the framework of their respective doctrine by the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Churches. The dates of Patrick's life cannot be fixed with certainty, but there is general agreement that he was active as a missionary in Ireland during the fifth century. A recent biography on Patrick shows a late fourth-century date for the saint is not impossible. Early medieval tradition credits him with being the first bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, and regards him as the founder of Christianity in Ireland, converting a society practising a form of Celtic polytheism. He has been generally so regarded ever since, despite evidence of some earlier Christian presence in Ireland. According to the autobiographical Confessio of Patrick, when he was about sixteen, he was captured by Irish pirates from his home in Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland, looking after animals, he lived there for six years before escaping and returning to his family. After becoming a cleric, he returned to northern and western Ireland. In later life, he served as a bishop, but little is known about the places where he worked.
This GIF Bitmap Image Patrick Saint HQ Image Free is a part of Saint Patrick Category in Religion Folder. Patrick Saint HQ Image Free has a Resolution of 76x76 Pixels. Patrick Saint HQ Image Free is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 59.0KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 88 times till now. Patrick Saint HQ Image Free was Added on 29-07-2021. Download Patrick Saint HQ Image Free by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Patrick Saint HQ Image Free
Image Category: Religion / Saint Patrick
Date Added: 29-07-2021
Resolution: 76x76
Format: GIF
Downloads: 88
Views: 152
Size: 59.0KB