Download GIF - Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ

Toucans (, UK: ) are members of the Neotropical near passerine bird family Ramphastidae. The Ramphastidae are most closely related to the American barbets. They are brightly marked and have large, often-colorful bills. The family includes five genera and over forty different species. Toucans are arboreal and typically lay 221 white eggs in their nests. They make their nests in tree hollows and holes excavated by other animals such as woodpeckersthe toucan bill has very limited use as an excavation tool. When the eggs hatch, the young emerge completely naked, without any down. Toucans are resident breeders and do not migrate. Toucans are usually found in pairs or small flocks. They sometimes fence with their bills and wrestle, which scientists hypothesize they do to establish dominance hierarchies.
This GIF Bitmap Image Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ is a part of Toucans Category in Animals Folder. Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ has a Resolution of 85x106 Pixels. Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 3.3KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 60 times till now. Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ was Added on 29-06-2022. Download Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Toucan Free Transparent Image HQ
Image Category: Animals / Toucans
Date Added: 29-06-2022
Resolution: 85x106
Format: GIF
Downloads: 60
Views: 196
Size: 3.3KB