Download GIF - Sweep Chimney GIF File HD

A chimney sweep is a person who clears ash and soot from chimneys. The chimney uses the pressure difference caused by a hot column of gas to create a draught and draw air over the hot coals or wood enabling continued combustion. Chimneys may be straight or contain many changes of direction. During normal operation, a layer of creosote builds up on the inside of the chimney, restricting the flow. The creosote can also catch fire, setting the chimney and the building alight. The chimney must be swept to remove the soot. This was done by the master sweep. In Great Britain, the master sweeps took apprentices, typically workhouse or orphan boys, and trained them to climb chimneys. In the German States, master sweeps belonged to trade guilds and did not use climbing boys. In Italy, Belgium, and France climbing boys were used.
This GIF Bitmap Image Sweep Chimney GIF File HD is a part of Chimney Sweeps Category in Miscellaneous Folder. Sweep Chimney GIF File HD has a Resolution of 150x140 Pixels. Sweep Chimney GIF File HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 6.1KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 52 times till now. Sweep Chimney GIF File HD was Added on 24-01-2023. Download Sweep Chimney GIF File HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Sweep Chimney GIF File HD
Image Category: Miscellaneous / Chimney Sweeps
Date Added: 24-01-2023
Resolution: 150x140
Format: GIF
Downloads: 52
Views: 41
Size: 6.1KB