Download GIF - Reindeer Free Clipart HD

The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), also known as the caribou in North America, is a species of deer with circumpolar distribution, native to Arctic, subarctic, tundra, boreal, and mountainous regions of northern Europe, Siberia, and North America. This includes both sedentary and migratory populations. It is the only representative of the genus Rangifer. Herd size varies greatly in different geographic regions. R. tarandus varies in size and colour from the smallest subspecies, the Svalbard reindeer, to the largest, the boreal woodland caribou. The North American range of caribou extends from Alaska through the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut into the boreal forest and south through the Canadian Rockies. The barren-ground caribou, Porcupine caribou, and Peary caribou live in the tundra, while the shy boreal woodland caribou prefer the boreal forest. The Porcupine caribou and the barren-ground caribou form large herds and undertake lengthy seasonal migrations from birthing grounds to summer and winter feeding grounds in the tundra and taiga. The migrations of Porcupine caribou herds are among the longest of any mammal. Barren-ground caribou are also found in Kitaa in Greenland, but the larger herds are in Alaska, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. The Taimyr herd of migrating Siberian tundra reindeer (R. t.
This GIF Bitmap Image Reindeer Free Clipart HD is a part of Reindeer Category in Animals Folder. Reindeer Free Clipart HD has a Resolution of 112x189 Pixels. Reindeer Free Clipart HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 13.4KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 51 times till now. Reindeer Free Clipart HD was Added on 31-08-2022. Download Reindeer Free Clipart HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Reindeer Free Clipart HD
Image Category: Animals / Reindeer
Date Added: 31-08-2022
Resolution: 112x189
Format: GIF
Downloads: 51
Views: 43
Size: 13.4KB