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The Jack Russell Terrier is a small terrier that has its origins in fox hunting in England. It is principally white-bodied and smooth, rough or broken-coated and can be any colour. Small tan and white terriers that technically belong to other breeds are sometimes known erroneously as 'Jack Russells'. Each breed has different physical characteristics according to the standards of their national breed clubs, size and proportions are often used to tell them apart. Some authorities recognize a similar but separate breed as the Russell Terrier a shorter-legged, stockier dog, with a range of 2030 cm (812 in). However, the Fdration Cynologique Internationale (FCI) regards the Russell terrier as a sub-type of Jack Russell terrier. Jack Russells are also frequently confused with the Parson Russell Terrier. Technically, the Parson Russell is usually larger and officially limited to a middle range, with a standard size of 3036 cm (1214 in), whereas the Jack Russell is a broader type, with a size range of 2538 cm (1015 in)Jack Russells are an energetic breed that rely on a high level of exercise and stimulation. They are relatively free from any serious health complaints. Originating from dogs bred and used by the Reverend John Russell in the early 19th century, from whom the breed takes its name, the Jack Russell has similar origins to the modern Fox Terrier.
This GIF Bitmap Image Terrier Jack Russell Download Free Image is a part of Jack Russell Terriers Category in Animals Folder. Terrier Jack Russell Download Free Image has a Resolution of 126x166 Pixels. Terrier Jack Russell Download Free Image is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 12.9KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 54 times till now. Terrier Jack Russell Download Free Image was Added on 08-07-2021. Download Terrier Jack Russell Download Free Image by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Terrier Jack Russell Download Free Image
Image Category: Animals / Jack Russell Terriers
Date Added: 08-07-2021
Resolution: 126x166
Format: GIF
Downloads: 54
Views: 138
Size: 12.9KB