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Pierrot ( PEER-oh, US also PEE--roh, PEE--ROH, French: [pjo] (listen)) is a stock character of pantomime and commedia dell'arte whose origins are in the late seventeenth-century Italian troupe of players performing in Paris and known as the Comdie-Italienne, the name is a diminutive of Pierre (Peter), via the suffix -ot. His character in contemporary popular culturein poetry, fiction, and the visual arts, as well as works for the stage, screen, and concert hallis that of the sad clown, often pining for love of Columbine, who usually breaks his heart and leaves him for Harlequin. Performing unmasked, with a whitened face, he wears a loose white blouse with large buttons and wide white pantaloons. Sometimes he appears with a frilled collaret and a hat, usually with a close-fitting crown and wide round brim, more rarely with a conical shape like a dunce's cap. But most frequently, since his reincarnation under Jean-Gaspard Deburau, he wears neither collar nor hat, only a black skullcap. The defining characteristic of Pierrot is his navet: he is seen as a fool, often the butt of pranks, yet nonetheless trusting. It was a generally buffoonish Pierrot that held the European stage for the first two centuries of his history. And yet early signs of a respectful, even sympathetic attitude toward the character appeared in the plays of Jean-Franois Regnard and in the paintings of Antoine Watteau, an attitude that would deepen in the nineteenth century, after the Romantics claimed the figure as their own. For Jules Janin and Thophile Gautier, Pierrot was not a fool but an avatar of the post-Revolutionary People, struggling, sometimes tragically, to secure a place in the bourgeois world. And subsequent artistic/cultural movements found him equally amenable to their cause: the Decadents turned him, like themselves, into a disillusioned disciple of Schopenhauer, a foe of Woman and of callow idealism, the Symbolists saw him as a lonely fellow-sufferer, crucified upon the rood of soulful sensitivity, his only friend the distant moon, the Modernists converted him into a Whistlerian subject for canvases devoted to form and color and line.
This GIF Bitmap Image Pierrot GIF Image High Quality is a part of Pierrots Category in Fantasy Folder. Pierrot GIF Image High Quality has a Resolution of 241x331 Pixels. Pierrot GIF Image High Quality is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 28.1KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 96 times till now. Pierrot GIF Image High Quality was Added on 03-07-2021. Download Pierrot GIF Image High Quality by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Pierrot GIF Image High Quality
Image Category: Fantasy / Pierrots
Date Added: 03-07-2021
Resolution: 241x331
Format: GIF
Downloads: 96
Views: 168
Size: 28.1KB