Download GIF - Bloodhound Free Photo

The Bloodhound is a large scent hound, originally bred for hunting deer, wild boar and, since the Middle Ages, for tracking people. Believed to be descended from hounds once kept at the Abbey of Saint-Hubert, Belgium, it is known to French speakers as le chien de Saint-Hubert. This breed is famed for its ability to discern human scent over great distances, even days later. Its extraordinarily keen sense of smell is combined with a strong and tenacious tracking instinct, producing the ideal scent hound, and it is used by police and law enforcement all over the world to track escaped prisoners, missing people, and lost pets. Appearance Bloodhounds weigh from 36 to 72 kg (80 to 160 lbs). They are 58 to 69 cm (23 to 27 inches) tall at the withers. According to the AKC standard for the breed, larger dogs are preferred by conformation judges. Acceptable colors for Bloodhounds are black, liver, and red. Bloodhounds possess an unusually large skeletal structure with most of their weight concentrated in their bones, which are very thick for their length. The coat, typical for a scent hound, is hard and composed of fur alone, with no admixture of hair.
This GIF Bitmap Image Bloodhound Free Photo is a part of Bloodhounds Category in Animals Folder. Bloodhound Free Photo has a Resolution of 457x399 Pixels. Bloodhound Free Photo is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 55.8KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 62 times till now. Bloodhound Free Photo was Added on 01-02-2024. Download Bloodhound Free Photo by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Bloodhound Free Photo
Image Category: Animals / Bloodhounds
Date Added: 01-02-2024
Resolution: 457x399
Format: GIF
Downloads: 62
Views: 114
Size: 55.8KB