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The harbor (or harbour) seal (Phoca vitulina), also known as the common seal, is a true seal found along temperate and Arctic marine coastlines of the Northern Hemisphere. The most widely distributed species of pinniped (walruses, eared seals, and true seals), they are found in coastal waters of the northern Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, Baltic and North Seas. Harbor seals are brown, silvery white, tan, or gray, with distinctive V-shaped nostrils. An adult can attain a length of 1. 85 m (6. 1 ft) and a mass of up to 168 kg (370 lb). Blubber under the seal's skin helps to maintain body temperature. Females outlive males (3035 years versus 2025 years). Harbor seals stick to familiar resting spots or haulout sites, generally rocky areas (although ice, sand, and mud may also be used) where they are protected from adverse weather conditions and predation, near a foraging area. Males may fight over mates under water and on land. Females bear a single pup after a nine-month gestation, which they care for alone. Pups can weigh up to 16 kg (35 lb) and are able to swim and dive within hours of birth.
This GIF Bitmap Image Common Seal GIF Image High Quality is a part of Common Seal Category in Miscellaneous Folder. Common Seal GIF Image High Quality has a Resolution of 76x84 Pixels. Common Seal GIF Image High Quality is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 8.8KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 86 times till now. Common Seal GIF Image High Quality was Added on 04-09-2021. Download Common Seal GIF Image High Quality by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Common Seal GIF Image High Quality
Image Category: Miscellaneous / Common Seal
Date Added: 04-09-2021
Resolution: 76x84
Format: GIF
Downloads: 86
Views: 75
Size: 8.8KB