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Pororo the Little Penguin (Korean: , romanized: Pporongpporong Ppororo) is a South Korean computer-animated children's television series created by The series premiered on EBS 1 in South Korea. The series revolves around the adventures of a penguin named Pororo, and his friends who live in the snowy hamlet of Porong Porong Forest, who often encounter challenges and learn practical and moral lessons in each episode. Origin It was created in 2003 Iconix Entertainment Co., Ltd, a company based in Seoul, South Korea. Choi Sang-hyun, who was working at Iconix Entertainment, was given a project of creating a character that represents an animal living in the winter. Choi visited a zoo in order to see those animals and understand how children enjoyed watching them. Several professional designers joined the project to come up with a character, but Choi's design was chosen as the winner, which then became Pororo. Characters = Main characters = Season 1 present Pororo (voiced by Lee Seon) (Maria Darling in UK) is a baby little penguin. Crong (voiced by Lee Mi-ja) (Gillie Robic in UK) is a green baby Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur and the youngest of the group and was adopted by Pororo. Unlike other characters, Crong speaks in his own 'crong! ' language, but sometimes Crong uses human words when needed. Poby (voiced by Kim Hwan-jin) (Wayne Forester in UK) is a white polar bear with a kind and generous personality.
This GIF Bitmap Image Coloring Kitty Pages Hello Free Clipart HD is a part of Coloring Hello Kitty Category in Coloring Folder. Coloring Kitty Pages Hello Free Clipart HD has a Resolution of 567x794 Pixels. Coloring Kitty Pages Hello Free Clipart HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 58.6KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 99 times till now. Coloring Kitty Pages Hello Free Clipart HD was Added on 08-07-2021. Download Coloring Kitty Pages Hello Free Clipart HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Coloring Kitty Pages Hello Free Clipart HD
Image Category: Coloring / Coloring Hello Kitty
Date Added: 08-07-2021
Resolution: 567x794
Format: GIF
Downloads: 99
Views: 128
Size: 58.6KB