Download GIF - Dancing Free Transparent Image HD

Dance is a performing art form consisting of sequences of movement, either improvised or purposefully selected. This movement has aesthetic and often symbolic value. Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, by its repertoire of movements, or by its historical period or place of origin. An important distinction is to be drawn between the contexts of theatrical and participatory dance, although these two categories are not always completely separate, both may have special functions, whether social, ceremonial, competitive, erotic, martial, or sacred/liturgical. Other forms of human movement are sometimes said to have a dance-like quality, including martial arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, synchronized swimming, marching bands, and many other forms of athletics. Performance and participation Theatrical dance, also called performance or concert dance, is intended primarily as a spectacle, usually a performance upon a stage by virtuoso dancers. It often tells a story, perhaps using mime, costume and scenery, or else it may simply interpret the musical accompaniment, which is often specially composed. Examples are western ballet and modern dance, Classical Indian dance such as Bharatanatyam and Chinese and Japanese song and dance dramas such as Dragon dance. Most classical forms are centered upon dance alone, but performance dance may also appear in opera and other forms of musical theatre. Participatory dance, on the other hand, whether it be a folk dance, a social dance, a group dance such as a line, circle, chain or square dance, or a partner dance such as is common in Western ballroom dancing, is undertaken primarily for a common purpose, such as social interaction or exercise, or building flexibility of participants rather than to serve any benefit to onlookers. Such dance seldom has any narrative.
This GIF Bitmap Image Dancing Free Transparent Image HD is a part of Dancing Category in People Folder. Dancing Free Transparent Image HD has a Resolution of 48x100 Pixels. Dancing Free Transparent Image HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 9.2KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 82 times till now. Dancing Free Transparent Image HD was Added on 21-09-2021. Download Dancing Free Transparent Image HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Dancing Free Transparent Image HD
Image Category: People / Dancing
Date Added: 21-09-2021
Resolution: 48x100
Format: GIF
Downloads: 82
Views: 171
Size: 9.2KB