Download GIF - Detective Free Transparent Image HQ

A detective is an investigator, usually a member of a law enforcement agency. They often collect information to solve crimes by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases. This leads them to arrest criminals and enable them to be convicted in court. A detective may work for the police or privately. Overview Informally, and primarily in fiction, a detective is a licensed or unlicensed person who solves crimes, including historical crimes, by examining and evaluating clues and personal records in order to uncover the identity and/or whereabouts of criminals. In some police departments, a detective position is achieved by passing a written test after a person completes the requirements for being a police officer. In many other police systems, detectives are college graduates who join directly from civilian life without first serving as uniformed officers. Some people argue that detectives do a completely different job and therefore require completely different training, qualifications, qualities and abilities than uniformed officers. The opposing argument is that without previous service as a uniformed patrol officer, a detective cannot have a great enough command of standard police procedures and problems and will find it difficult to work with uniformed colleagues. Some are private persons, and may be known as private investigators, or as 'The Eye That Never Sleeps' the motto of the Pinkerton Detective Agency or shortened to simply 'private eyes'.
This GIF Bitmap Image Detective Free Transparent Image HQ is a part of Detective Category in Miscellaneous Folder. Detective Free Transparent Image HQ has a Resolution of 120x120 Pixels. Detective Free Transparent Image HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 32.8KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 66 times till now. Detective Free Transparent Image HQ was Added on 04-07-2021. Download Detective Free Transparent Image HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Detective Free Transparent Image HQ
Image Category: Miscellaneous / Detective
Date Added: 04-07-2021
Resolution: 120x120
Format: GIF
Downloads: 66
Views: 102
Size: 32.8KB