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Animals (also called Metazoa) are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms in the biological kingdom Animalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and go through an ontogenetic stage in which their body consists of a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Over 1. 5 million living animal species have been describedof which around 1 million are insectsbut it has been estimated there are over 7 million animal species in total. Animals range in length from 8. 5 micrometres (0. 00033 in) to 33. 6 metres (110 ft). They have complex interactions with each other and their environments, forming intricate food webs. The scientific study of animals is known as zoology. Most living animal species are in Bilateria, a clade whose members have a bilaterally symmetric body plan. The Bilateria include the protostomesin which many groups of invertebrates are found, such as nematodes, arthropods, and molluscsand the deuterostomes, containing both the echinoderms as well as the chordates, the latter containing the vertebrates. Life forms interpreted as early animals were present in the Ediacaran biota of the late Precambrian. Many modern animal phyla became clearly established in the fossil record as marine species during the Cambrian explosion, which began around 542 million years ago.
This GIF Bitmap Image Coloring Pages Animal GIF File HD is a part of Coloring Animals Category in Coloring Folder. Coloring Pages Animal GIF File HD has a Resolution of 600x800 Pixels. Coloring Pages Animal GIF File HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 53.7KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 73 times till now. Coloring Pages Animal GIF File HD was Added on 09-07-2022. Download Coloring Pages Animal GIF File HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Coloring Pages Animal GIF File HD
Image Category: Coloring / Coloring Animals
Date Added: 09-07-2022
Resolution: 600x800
Format: GIF
Downloads: 73
Views: 110
Size: 53.7KB