Download GIF - Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo

A fire engine (also known in some places as a fire truck or fire lorry) is a road vehicle (usually a truck) that functions as a firefighting apparatus. The primary purposes of a fire engine include transporting firefighters and water to an incident as well as carrying equipment for firefighting operations. Some fire engines have specialized functions, such as wildfire suppression and aircraft rescue and firefighting, and may also carry equipment for technical rescue. Many fire engines are based on commercial vehicle chassis that are further upgraded and customised for firefighting requirements. They are normally fitted with sirens and emergency vehicle lighting, as well as communication equipment such as two-way radios and mobile computer technology. The terms fire engine and fire truck are often used interchangeably to a broad range of vehicles involved in firefighting, however, in some fire departments they refer to separate and specific types of vehicle. Design and construction The design and construction of fire engines focuses greatly on the use of both active and passive warnings. Passive visual warnings involve the use of high contrast patterns to increase the noticeability of the vehicle. These types of warnings are often seen on older vehicles and those in developing countries. More modern designs make use of retroreflectors to reflect light from other vehicles.
This GIF Bitmap Image Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo is a part of Fire Engines And Trucks Category in Vehicles Folder. Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo has a Resolution of 300x187 Pixels. Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 33.4KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 96 times till now. Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo was Added on 13-10-2021. Download Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Fire Engine And Truck Free Photo
Image Category: Vehicles / Fire Engines And Trucks
Date Added: 13-10-2021
Resolution: 300x187
Format: GIF
Downloads: 96
Views: 60
Size: 33.4KB