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Tarzan, a fictional character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, first appeared in the 1912 novel Tarzan of the Apes, and then in twenty-four sequels by Burroughs and numerous more by other authors. The character proved immensely popular and quickly made the jump to other media, first and most notably to comics and film. This article concerns Tarzan's appearance in film and other non-print media. Film The earlier Tarzan films were silent pictures adapted from the original Tarzan novels which appeared within a few years of the character's creation. With the advent of talking pictures, a popular Tarzan movie franchise was developed, which was anchored by actor Johnny Weissmüller in the title role, which lasted from 1932 to 1948. Tarzan films under Weissmüller often featured the character's chimpanzee companion, Cheeta. Later Tarzan films after Weissmüller have been occasional and somewhat idiosyncratic. = Silent film =The earlier Tarzan films were eight silent features and serials released between 1918 and 1929, most based on novels in the original series. Elmo Lincoln starred in the first Tarzan feature, Tarzan of the Apes (1918), a faithful cinematic rendering of Burroughs' first Tarzan novel. The first portion of the film featured Gordon Griffith as the young Tarzan, so Griffith could technically be considered the first screen Tarzan.
This GIF Bitmap Image Tarzan Coloring Pages GIF File HD is a part of Coloring Tarzan Category in Coloring Folder. Tarzan Coloring Pages GIF File HD has a Resolution of 660x847 Pixels. Tarzan Coloring Pages GIF File HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 24.7KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 98 times till now. Tarzan Coloring Pages GIF File HD was Added on 08-07-2021. Download Tarzan Coloring Pages GIF File HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Tarzan Coloring Pages GIF File HD
Image Category: Coloring / Coloring Tarzan
Date Added: 08-07-2021
Resolution: 660x847
Format: GIF
Downloads: 98
Views: 156
Size: 24.7KB