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In West Virginia folklore, the Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register, dated November 16, 1966, titled 'Couples See Man-Sized Bird... Creature... Something'. The national press soon picked up the reports and helped spread the story across the United States. The Mothman was introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970, and was later popularized by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, claiming that there were supernatural events related to the sightings, and a connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The book was later adapted into a 2002 film, starring Richard Gere. An annual festival in Point Pleasant is devoted to the Mothman legend. On November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point PleasantRoger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallettetold police they saw a large grey creature whose eyes 'glowed red' when the car's headlights picked it up. They described it as a 'large flying man with ten-foot wings', following their car while they were driving in an area outside of town known as 'the TNT area', the site of a former World War II munitions plant. During the next few days, other people reported similar sightings. Two volunteer firemen who saw it said it was a 'large bird with red eyes'.
This GIF Bitmap Image Coloring Pages Fireman GIF Image High Quality is a part of Coloring Firemen Category in Coloring Folder. Coloring Pages Fireman GIF Image High Quality has a Resolution of 701x900 Pixels. Coloring Pages Fireman GIF Image High Quality is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 61.8KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 59 times till now. Coloring Pages Fireman GIF Image High Quality was Added on 03-11-2021. Download Coloring Pages Fireman GIF Image High Quality by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Coloring Pages Fireman GIF Image High Quality
Image Category: Coloring / Coloring Firemen
Date Added: 03-11-2021
Resolution: 701x900
Format: GIF
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Size: 61.8KB