Download GIF - Dance Folk Free GIF HQ
A folk dance is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or region. Not all ethnic dances are folk dances. For example, ritual dances or dances of ritual origin are not considered to be folk dances. Ritual dances are usually called 'Religious dances' because of their purpose. The terms 'ethnic' and 'traditional' are used when it is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance. In this sense, nearly all folk dances are ethnic ones. If some dances, such as polka, cross ethnic boundaries and even cross the boundary between 'folk' and 'ballroom dance', ethnic differences are often considerable enough to mention. Background Folk dances share some or all of the following attributes:Dances are usually held at folk dance gatherings or social functions by people with little or no professional training, often to traditional music. Dances not generally designed for public performance or the stage, though they may later be arranged and set for stage performances. Execution dominated by an inherited tradition from various international cultures rather than innovation (though folk traditions change over time).
This GIF Bitmap Image Dance Folk Free GIF HQ is a part of Folk Dance Category in Miscellaneous Folder. Dance Folk Free GIF HQ has a Resolution of 351x437 Pixels. Dance Folk Free GIF HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 51.3KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 90 times till now. Dance Folk Free GIF HQ was Added on 11-09-2021. Download Dance Folk Free GIF HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Dance Folk Free GIF HQ
Image Category: Miscellaneous / Folk Dance
Date Added: 11-09-2021
Resolution: 351x437
Format: GIF
Downloads: 90
Views: 170
Size: 51.3KB