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Chinese red eggs (, ) are bright pink coloured cooked chicken eggs. The eggs are first hard boiled before a wet red calligraphy paper is wiped over the eggs to create a pink coloring. In Chinese culture, it is common to hold a red egg and ginger party at the baby's first-year birthday. Usually, the baby's name is announced to friends and family at this party. One might find a bowl of brightly coloured cooked chicken eggs on the guests' buffet or serving tables, or the hosts might hand out the red-dyed eggs, symbolizing joy and renewed life. Sometimes the red eggs are also given to adult friends and family members for their birthdays. Origin and folklore Similar to Western easter eggs, in Chinese culture eggs symbolize birth or a new start, thus, it is of paramount importance for eggs to be served to guests during an important birthday (such as the first month or first year). The color red symbolizes prosperity and good fortune to the Chinese. Influence outside Asia = Mauritius =In Mauritius, Sino-Mauritians continued the tradition of sharing red eggs to their family members to share the joy of a newborn, this tradition occurs in what is now called 'baptme chinois' (literally translated as Chinese baptism).
This GIF Bitmap Image And Coloring Newborn Birth Baby Pages is a part of Coloring Birth And Newborn Babies Category in Coloring Folder. And Coloring Newborn Birth Baby Pages has a Resolution of 600x800 Pixels. And Coloring Newborn Birth Baby Pages is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 53.9KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 91 times till now. And Coloring Newborn Birth Baby Pages was Added on 24-07-2021. Download And Coloring Newborn Birth Baby Pages by clicking the button below:
Image Name: And Coloring Newborn Birth Baby Pages
Image Category: Coloring / Coloring Birth And Newborn Babies
Date Added: 24-07-2021
Resolution: 600x800
Format: GIF
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Size: 53.9KB