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An unidentified flying object (UFO) is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified or explained. Most UFOs are identified or investigated as conventional objects or phenomena. The phrase was coined as an acronym by Project Blue Book head Edward J. Ruppelt, but today UFO is widely used as a stand-in for extraterrestrial spacecraft-aircraft that people claim to have observed. Many UFOs are described as being flying saucers, as is shown in the accompanying image. Studies and investigations into UFO reports have been conducted by governments, other organisations, and private individuals. In the United States, studies began in the late 1940s and have included Project Grudge, Project Sign and Project Blue Book. The latter ended in 19691970 after the Condon Committee concluded that the subject failed to merit further study. Unidentified lights and flying objects have been reported for much of human history. Skeptics including scientists, and organizations such as the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, state that UFOs are conventional objects or phenomena, while 'Ufologists' favour unconventional hypotheses. UFOs are a worldwide cultural phenomenon, appearing in fictional movies, television and other media.
This GIF Bitmap Image Ufo GIF Image High Quality is a part of Ufo Category in Science Folder. Ufo GIF Image High Quality has a Resolution of 205x124 Pixels. Ufo GIF Image High Quality is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 11.1KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 91 times till now. Ufo GIF Image High Quality was Added on 30-01-2024. Download Ufo GIF Image High Quality by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Ufo GIF Image High Quality
Image Category: Science / Ufo
Date Added: 30-01-2024
Resolution: 205x124
Format: GIF
Downloads: 91
Views: 113
Size: 11.1KB