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A crisis (plural: 'crises', adjectival form: 'critical') is any event or period that will lead, or may lead, to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, or all of society. Crises are negative changes in the human or environmental affairs, especially when they occur abruptly, with little or no warning. More loosely, a crisis is a testing time or an emergency. Etymology The English word crisis was borrowed from the Latin, which in turn was borrowed from the Greek krisis 'discrimination, decision, crisis'. The noun is derived from the verb krin, which means 'distinguish, choose, decide'. In English, crisis was first used in a medical context, for the time in the development of a disease when a change indicates either recovery or death, that is, a turning-point. It was also used for a major change in the development of a disease. By the mid-seventeenth century, it took on the figurative meaning of a 'vitally important or decisive stage in the progress of anything', especially a period of uncertainty or difficulty, without necessarily having the implication of a decision-point. Definition Crisis is often linked to the concept of psychological stress and used to suggest a frightening or fraught experience. In general, crisis is the situation of a 'complex system' (family, economy, society. Note that simple systems do not enter crises.
This GIF Bitmap Image Crier GIF Image High Quality is a part of Criers Category in Miscellaneous Folder. Crier GIF Image High Quality has a Resolution of 241x256 Pixels. Crier GIF Image High Quality is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 4.5KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 69 times till now. Crier GIF Image High Quality was Added on 04-07-2021. Download Crier GIF Image High Quality by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Crier GIF Image High Quality
Image Category: Miscellaneous / Criers
Date Added: 04-07-2021
Resolution: 241x256
Format: GIF
Downloads: 69
Views: 78
Size: 4.5KB