Download GIF - Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ

The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus), also known by the names French artichoke and green artichoke in the U. S., is a variety of a species of thistle cultivated as a food. The edible portion of the plant consists of the flower buds before the flowers come into bloom. The budding artichoke flower-head is a cluster of many budding small flowers (an inflorescence), together with many bracts, on an edible base. Once the buds bloom, the structure changes to a coarse, barely edible form. Another variety of the same species is the cardoon, a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region. Both wild forms and cultivated varieties (cultivars) exist. Description This vegetable grows to 1. 42 m (4 ft 7 in6 ft 7 in) tall, with arching, deeply lobed, silvery, glaucous-green leaves 5083 cm (19+1232+12 in) long. The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud about 815 cm (36 in) diameter with numerous triangular scales, the individual florets are purple. The edible portions of the buds consist primarily of the fleshy lower portions of the involucral bracts and the base, known as the heart, the mass of immature florets in the center of the bud is called the choke or beard.
This GIF Bitmap Image Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ is a part of Artichokes Category in Food Folder. Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ has a Resolution of 271x196 Pixels. Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 32.0KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 63 times till now. Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ was Added on 07-10-2021. Download Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Artichoke Free Transparent Image HQ
Image Category: Food / Artichokes
Date Added: 07-10-2021
Resolution: 271x196
Format: GIF
Downloads: 63
Views: 185
Size: 32.0KB