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Ballet (French: [bal]) is a type of performance dance that originated during the Italian Renaissance in the fifteenth century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a widespread and highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary. Ballet has been influential globally and has defined the foundational techniques which are used in many other dance genres and cultures. Various schools around the world have incorporated their own cultures. As a result ballet has evolved in distinct ways. A ballet as a unified work comprises the choreography and music for a ballet production. Ballets are choreographed and performed by trained ballet dancers. Traditional classical ballets are usually performed with classical music accompaniment and using elaborate costumes and staging, whereas modern ballets are often performed in simple costumes and without elaborate sets or scenery. Etymology Ballet is a French word which had its origin in Italian balletto, a diminutive of ballo (dance) which comes from Latin ballo, ballare, meaning 'to dance', which in turn comes from the Greek '' (ballizo), 'to dance, to jump about'. The word came into English usage from the French around 1630.
This GIF Bitmap Image Ballet Download HQ is a part of Ballet Category in Sports Folder. Ballet Download HQ has a Resolution of 301x244 Pixels. Ballet Download HQ is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 5.1KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 93 times till now. Ballet Download HQ was Added on 11-08-2021. Download Ballet Download HQ by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Ballet Download HQ
Image Category: Sports / Ballet
Date Added: 11-08-2021
Resolution: 301x244
Format: GIF
Downloads: 93
Views: 96
Size: 5.1KB