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Muscle Beach is the Santa Monica birthplace of the United States physical fitness boom, which started in 1934 with predominantly gymnastics activities on the south side of the Santa Monica Pier. Muscle Beach Venice is the contemporary title of the outdoor weightlifting platform constructed in Venice, California, a distinct neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, 18 years after Muscle Beach was established. Muscle Beach Venice was officially titled in 1987 by the City of Los Angeles with the distinguishing name 'Venice' added to the location to honor the original Santa Monica site. The contemporary Muscle Beach Venice is located two blocks north of Venice Boulevard on Ocean Front Walk in Venice, California. Santa Monica's 'Muscle Beach' landmark derives its name from the growing local and national reputation of gymnastics and strength athletes who congregated at what was first known simply as the 'Santa Monica Beach Playground', with the 'muscle' term gaining momentum by 1940. The 1940 opening of the first of an eventual nationwide chain of weightlifting gyms by famed pioneer gym chain operator, Vic Tanny, only two city blocks from Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, is commonly considered a key contributor to the increasing attraction of bodybuilders and strength lifters to Muscle Beach from across the nation. By the 1950s, Muscle Beach established worldwide fame and helped to popularize and bring legitimacy to physical culture with acrobatics and bodybuilding and contribute to a nationwide health and fitness movement continuing into the 21st century. Original Muscle Beach Muscle Beach dates back to the 1930s when the Works Progress Administration (WPA) installed exercise equipment immediately south of the Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, California. Popular gymnastic and acrobatic exhibitions were routinely held there on city-provided equipment. A platform on the beach with weight lifting equipment provided a workout area for such famous bodybuilders as Vic Tanny, Jack LaLanne, and Joe Gold.
This GIF Bitmap Image Weightlifting Free HD Image is a part of Weightlifting Category in Sports Folder. Weightlifting Free HD Image has a Resolution of 104x98 Pixels. Weightlifting Free HD Image is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 5.0KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 58 times till now. Weightlifting Free HD Image was Added on 04-07-2021. Download Weightlifting Free HD Image by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Weightlifting Free HD Image
Image Category: Sports / Weightlifting
Date Added: 04-07-2021
Resolution: 104x98
Format: GIF
Downloads: 58
Views: 140
Size: 5.0KB