Download GIF - Bulldog Free Clipart HD

The Bulldog, also known as the English Bulldog or British Bulldog, is a medium-sized dog breed. It is a muscular, hefty dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose. The Kennel Club (UK), the American Kennel Club (US), and the United Kennel Club (US) oversee breeding records. Bulldogs are popular pets, they were the fifth most popular purebreed in the US in 2017 according to the American Kennel Club. Bulldogs have a longstanding association with British culture, as the BBC wrote: 'to many the Bulldog is a national icon, symbolising pluck and determination. ' During World War II, Bulldogs were often likened to Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his defiance of Nazi Germany. The Bulldog Club (England) was formed in 1878, and the Bulldog Club of America was formed in 1890. Appearance Bulldogs have characteristically wide heads and shoulders along with a pronounced mandibular prognathism. There are generally thick folds of skin on the brow, round, black, wide-set eyes, a short muzzle with characteristic folds called a rope or nose roll above the nose, hanging skin under the neck, drooping lips and pointed teeth, and an underbite with an upturned jaw. The coat is short, flat, and sleek with colours of red, fawn, white, brindle, and piebald. In the United Kingdom, the breed standards are 55 lb (25 kg) for a male and 50 lb (23 kg) for a female. In the United States, a typical mature male weighs 50 lb (23 kg), while mature females weigh about 40 lb (18 kg). The Bulldog Club of America recommends the average weight of a bulldog to be 4050 lb (1823 kg). Bulldogs are one of the few breeds whose tail is naturally short and either straight, screwed or thin and thus is not cut or docked as with some other breeds.
This GIF Bitmap Image Bulldog Free Clipart HD is a part of Bulldogs Category in Animals Folder. Bulldog Free Clipart HD has a Resolution of 137x137 Pixels. Bulldog Free Clipart HD is of .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Format. It's Size is 6.1KB. This GIF has been Downloaded 95 times till now. Bulldog Free Clipart HD was Added on 06-07-2021. Download Bulldog Free Clipart HD by clicking the button below:
Image Name: Bulldog Free Clipart HD
Image Category: Animals / Bulldogs
Date Added: 06-07-2021
Resolution: 137x137
Format: GIF
Downloads: 95
Views: 197
Size: 6.1KB